Saturday, January 2, 2021

Jesus in Latter-day Saint Temples - Stained Glass

My wife was looking at Light The World posts and saw that someone was using that hash tag to claim that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints aren't christian because our temples don't have pictures of Jesus in them. The post was of course ridiculous (we have pictures of Jesus hanging everywhere in temples) and I think it is an internet troll trying to take the good that came from Light The World and twist it into evil. The claim was ridiculous as the temple ceremonies feature Jesus Christ and his teachings. As a response, I would like to highlight some art in temples that depicts Jesus Christ. This post will highlight depictions of Jesus in stained glass.

Sao Paulo Brazil Temple

This temple features stained glass of the resurrected Jesus Christ appearing to the Nephites in ancient America as depicted in The Book of Mormon

Palmyra New York Temple

This temple, near the site of the sacred grove where Jesus Christ and God the Father appeared to Joseph Smith in the First Vision has a stained glass window of that sacred event.

Snowflake Arizona Temple

This temple features a stained glass window of Jesus teaching children and adults.

Nauvoo Illinois Temple

The baptistry features a stained glass window of the baptism of Jesus complete with the Holy Ghost in the sign of a dove.

Redlands California Temple

A historic stained glass window of the first vision was saved from a church that was demolished and added to this temple's entry.

Manhattan New York Temple

A new stained glass of Jesus teaching apostles on the road to Emmaus after his resurrection was added to this temple.

Provo City Center Temple

3 temples received refurbished stained glass windows from a Presbyterian church that was torn down. This temple has on of the windows, Jesus as The Good Shepherd

Star Valley Wyoming Temple

Another window from the Presbyterian church was saved and used behind the recommend desk in the Star Valley Wyoming Temple. This one depicts Jesus knocking at a door, an allusion to the Book of Revelation.

Paris France Temple

A new stained glass window of Jesus Christ among flowers graces the Paris France Temple.

Cedar City Utah Temple

2 windows from the aforementioned Presbyterian church have been used in this temple. One is behind the recommend desk. It shows Jesus among lillies. The church hasn't published photos of the other stained glass window, but it might be the one of Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane suffering the start of the Atonement which is shown in this article, unless that one is being used in a future temple.

I love these stained glass depictions of our Savior Jesus Christ. I hope the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints continues finding ways to include art glass of Jesus in our temples.

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